Friday, June 01, 2007

Bookfair Cum Pc Show >.<

Been real busy at work.. and sick at the same time..

But i went to the Chinese Bookfair and the PC show at Suntec yesterday~
Then again.. i was disappointed.. the books they have on display this year is so so so messy...
nothing really get my attention..
In the end i bought 2 taiwan novel at 5bucks each.

Then off to the PC show.. I was preparing to feast my eyes on pretty babes...
But.... disappointment again..
there were lots of peopletrying to squeeze thru.. and u see phamplets,
brochures all over the place..
people trying to get you to sign up the instant credit card
so that you can start swiping on the spot.. anyway these are expected..

The unexpected was... there was no babes to talk about!!
How can it be? PC show with no pretty babes as model?
There is a consolation at then end, i saw a not so bad babe, wearing tube..
So.. not too bad... at least one company got the right kinda girl to represent their product..
and the product was LG chocolate phone... hahaha ^_^